Here are a few comments that we have recieved from some of our customers
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"Thank you for getting us the beef jerky so quickly, and in such quantity.
My son, Webb... will be heading for Alaska this Friday, and are planning to
start their ascent on May 16. As you can guess from the quantity they purchased,
your jerky will be a significant part of their diet!" Nancy Embry of Troutman, NC
"Man they were good. One was the spicy and I think the other was regular?
But they both were great. I've eaten a lot of jerky in my life time - but I'll
say your tops them all." Jack Seelig of Starke, FL
"Since I am jerky crazy I had to try your jerky. I loved it."
Lisa Broucker of Canton, OH
"Thanks a lot! You can buy jerky in a few places in the UK, but generally it's either reformed
crap or it's very artificial tasting. I'll let you know as soon as it arrives. Thanks."
Dave of England